Zorah Cholmondeley
Enchanted Garden Creation year 2
Year 2 of creating my enchanted garden has been magical with many self seeded surprises, the most spectacular of which has been a swathe of long stemmed poppies in various shades of red, pink and white. They appeared in an area in front of the wildlife pond where I must have disturbed the soil. I…
Enchanted Garden year 1 – a review.
It has been a really exciting and challenging journey creating my garden in its first year, using the principles in my book, shared by Queen Maeve of the fae, an ancient Irish earth goddess and one of the gate keepers to the faery realm. As I sit in my garden on a sunny morning just…
Ginkgo Biloba /maidenhair tree.
Ginkgo Biloba or maidenhair is a tree native to china and is the only surviving member of an ancient order of plants and is sometimes referred to as a living fossil. Fossils of Ginkgo Biloba leaves have been discovered that are 200 million years old and they are almost identical to Ginkgo leaves of today.…
Pond blessing and conscious gardening.
There is a deva that holds the blue print for everything that is in existence and it occurred to me that I would love to hold a blessing ceremony for my new pond – welcoming its spirit into the land and holding an intention that it supports wildlife. All things respond to love and flourish.…
Re – Wilding my garden.
Rewilding as defined in Wikipedia is, ‘a form of ecological restoration where the emphasis is on humans stepping back and leaving an area to nature, the aim of which is to increase biodiversity. The word was coined by members of the Earth First! appearing in print in 1990 and was then refined by conservationists.’ This…
A recent faery encounter.
In the portal of the Scorpio super full moon, I had a magical encounter with a faery race who referred to themselves as the ‘ sisterhood of the fae’. First I connected to mother earth and father sky and called forth ,’the faery within’. This aspect of myself helps me connect more easily to the…
Shamanic Journeys – a brief overview.
Shamanic journeying is said to be different to that of meditating, as part of your soul takes flight and travels along the cosmic web between the worlds of spirit and physicality. The purpose of taking a shamanic journey is to bring back knowledge, inspiration and healing. It is especially good for finding solutions to problems…
Conscious Gardening.
I first became aware of this concept when I read Michael J Roads book of the same title. In it he describes an approach to gardening which involves ‘being with’, rather than, ‘doing to’. The former is where we are mostly in our heads, not paying much too attention to what we are doing and…
Connecting to the Genius Loci of our gardens.
Welcome to my blog on creating an ‘enchanted garden’ using a conscious gardening approach. Here I hope to share with you the process of co – creating a garden with the nature spirits and the fae, opening your awareness up to the multi dimensional aspect of nature and bringing in the spiritual perspective to gardening.…
Surrendering to our true nature
Our true nature is often layered over with conditioning from our childhood which then shapes our adult life experiences too. We end up operating from our subconscious ego’s fears and the trapped emotions acquired throughout our lives resonate and confirm these fears, through attracting more of the same life experiences. In my case the conditioning…